Thursday, April 30, 2009

Hammocks rock!

I have to let you all know that hammocks are the best thing ever. WalMart had some (made in USA, too!) on sale for around $9, so I bought one for myself. I had to get a pair of eye-screws (I don't really know what they are called. They have a big circle at the end of a long screw. Hence the unofficial name eye-screw.) Anyway. I have a pair of old pine or spruce or whatever -- they are evergreens -- about ten feet apart.

I borrowed my neighbor Mike Jones' drill, drilled some holes into the trees, screwed in the eye-screws (I just decided that sounds a bit wrong. Don't say it out loud in front of, say, your supervisor without a spelling aid. Fortunately, I have said spelling aid. And my boss is a reasonable sort. Don't worry, I'm on break. I work hard when I'm not, though. At least for a Government worker.) Yes. the screws. So, I got the screws into the trees, tied up the hammock, and have been practically living in it ever since.

Most of the past two weeks have been super nice. Warm, sunny, not a cloud in the sky. We've already had one day hit 70 degrees! and no night frost in a week. My cherry and prune trees are blooming, and my apples will in a bit. And I'm taking it all in while swinging in my new favorite toy.

1 comment:

The Murray's said...

I just bought a hammock.... Can't WAIT for it to come in! Yeah, the little dinky ones that we had when you were here fell apart.

It's a big one though, holds two people and up to 450 lbs! Snuggle time!!!